Marli Quadros Leite
Área do Conhecimento
Área Específica
Linguística, intolerância e imprensa
Resumo / Abstract

This study is part of the research carried out by the Laboratory of Studies on Intolerance (Laboratório de Estudos da Intolerância – LEI) specifically within the Linguistics research group, whose main aim is to "examine linguistic intolerance and linguistic prejudice in Brazil, as well as the resulting forms of resistance, both in relation to variants of the same language and to other languages." We intend to differentiate between linguistic prejudice and linguistic intolerance, based on Voltaire (1764) and Bobbio (1990), in order to analyze a case of linguistic intolerance published by the press. We will then analyze an article entitled “In the name of the law of the ‘worst’ effort”, written by columnist Dora Krammer and published on January 26th 2005, in the O Estado de São Paulo newspaper which had nationwide repercussions. This study will examine why such discourses can be interpreted as being intolerant.

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