Osvaldo Coggiola
Área do Conhecimento
Área Específica
História Contemporânea
Resumo / Abstract

Trecho:Between 1930 and 1933, Germany's political development was the axis of political debate in Europe, and in the Communist International (CI). On the eve of Hitler's Nazi uprising, Trotsky criticised CI's refusal to propose a single Workers Front of Socialist and Communist parties against Nazism. In 1920, Nazism was still referred to as "German Fascism" by the global left-wing media. Amidst the social conditions created by the global economic crisis born in 1929 which determined a new role for the state for the stability of the capitalist order, Nazism however took over, with unique and unquestionable characteristics, including a movement of extreme political reaction, even if it was originally inspirited by Mussolini's "corporate state".  JADVAPUR UNIVERSITY - KOLKATA - INDIA, Seminar on Fascism in a Comparative Perspective.

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